Thursday, October 18, 2018

The 5-Second Rule

A few takeaways from The 5-Second Rule by Mel Robbins.

1) Self-pity and blame are always easier than putting in the work to improve.

2) Achieving goals start When you get on yourself.

3) The moment of hesitation is the moment to act!

4) Break the habit of hesitation through action!

5) Courage is the "special sauce" for life change.

6) Our default is to think about what could go wrong instead of possibilities.

7) Success starts when we do what we don't feel like doing.

8) Focus involves managing distractions and understanding where you want to be.

9) Wake up when the alarm goes off.

10) Starting a project cues your brain so you complete it.

11) Fear robs us of the beauty in life.

12) The road to confidence is paved with opportunities to demonstrate courage.

13) You either move past your fear, or you let it control you.

If your looking for a book to push you towards success, I recommend this one.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Takeaways from How To Win Friends & Influence People

Dale Carnegie's classic How To Win & Influence People was a book I used to roll my eyes about. I was wrong, as it was full of gems.

1) Enthusiasm for a goal is an AMAZING motivator.

2) Showing interest in others results in a mutually beneficial outcome.

3) Allowing others to express their interests opens a door into their lives.

4) Start any difficult conversation with an affirmation of your relationship.

5) Be gracious when it comes to taking credit for ideas.

6) Frame something needed done as a suggestion.

7) Believing in others can be the first step to belief in themselves.

I can definitely see myself reading this every year, as well as distributing this to others.